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What’s your plan for 2023?

January 23, 2023

Where do you want your business to get to over the next twelve months? Making decisions now will help you achieve your goals.

Have you got your business plan in place for 2023? Have you set yourself goals for the coming twelve months? Maybe you don’t feel you have the time to do it, or maybe you just don’t see the value in planning. Accountability is vital for business success, whether you have systems in place to keep yourself accountable, or you have an external person keeping you accountable.

We offer a business planning service and can sit down with you at the start of your financial year to write your plan with you for the next twelve months. During the meeting, we will discuss your current position, where you want the business to be and what you personally want to achieve. It all links back to a concept called The

Three Freedoms:

  • Time
  • Money
  • Peace of Mind

As a business owner, if you have these three freedoms there is nothing you cannot achieve, and we love working with business owners to help to achieve those three freedoms.

We will then write a full business plan with you for the next twelve months which you can use to track and measure your progress. We can also offer business accountability coaching meetings throughout the year to keep you accountable to the plan and measure progress with you.

What is involved in a business planning session?

  • Create or redefine your core values, vision, and purpose.
  • Work out personal goals for the next twelve months.
  • Create a plan that will give you a business that will be able to help you achieve those personal goals.
  • Create goals for the business.
  • Define action points to achieve those goals.
  • Create a profit and loss forecast.

What is involved in accountability coaching?

We will track and measure financial performance against the profit and loss forecast.

We will track and measure your performance against your goals.

We will work on any unplanned issues that crop up during the year and adjust goals accordingly.

We will hold you to account for action points that have not been completed.

Get the business you want.
Call 01785 248939 and speak to Client Services or email us.
+44 (0) 1785 248939
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